Yoga, and what you experience during your practice speaks for itself. I also know that there is nothing new under the sun; all of my words and perspectives I have learned from others before me and it has granted me the opportunity to hear and see power from a higher source.
Yoga Writings
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali —Sri Swami Satchidananda
Light on Yoga & Light on Life —BKS Iyengar
The Heart of Yoga —Desikachsar
Eastern Body, Western Mind —Anodea Judith
The Book of Ayurveda —Juddith H Morrison
Trauma and Healing
The Body Keeps the Score —Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga —David Emerson, Elizabeth Hopper, PhD
Waking the Tiger & Healing Trauma —Peter A Levine, PhD
Attached. —Amir Levine, MD and Rachel Heller, MA
Creativity and Spirituality
The Four Agreements — Don Miguel Ruiz
The Artist’s Way —Julia Cameron
A New Earth —Eckhart Tolle
Talent is Overrated —Geoff Colvin
A Path with Heart —Jack Kornfield
The Bridge of San Luis Rey —Thornton Wilder